Sunlight Medical Services provides treatment and support for those suffering from Oxycodone addiction in Glendale, AZ, and the surrounding areas. Our medication-assisted treatment programs combined with intensive outpatient programs, addiction counseling, and primary care boosts the ability of patients to stick with the program and return to their pre-addiction lifestyles.

Oxycodone Detox

Sunlight Medical Services offers Oxycodone detox that can provide quality support and treatment services to those whose lives have been impacted by an Oxycodone addiction. Without the proper support and treatment, the psychological and emotional toll from such an addiction can be devastating.

Oxycodone Treatment

Our Oxycodone treatment utilizes a multi-tiered approach to maximize the chances a patient overcomes his or her Oxycodone addiction and returns to the lifestyle he or she had before becoming addicted to Oxycodone.

Oxycodone Addiction Recovery

Oxycodone addiction recovery is not a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach; instead, we mold each treatment plan based on the individual’s dependency, circumstances, and needs for maximum, long-term effectiveness. Each person and his or her individual case is unique; the plan that is developed to help or him/her should be unique to him or her as well. We work to ensure that the plan we develop will give the patient the best chance of overcoming that dependency and staying drug-free.

Oxycodone Addiction Withdrawal

It can be difficult to overcome this withdrawal, but our staff will work with the patient both individually and as part of a group to help them overcome those withdrawal symptoms.

Contact us to learn more about our methods of people reclaiming their lives from dependency.