Sunlight Medical Services provides treatment and support for those suffering from Benzodiazepine addiction. We use a combination of therapies, counseling sessions, and treatments to help our patients overcome their addictions and live productive, normal lives.

Benzodiazepines Withdrawal

Any type of withdrawal from any drug or substance is difficult; however, having the right program in place that can provide support and guidance increases the chances of success. We will provide the support and guidance; the patient provides the focus and effort, while family members and friends provide the motivation.

Benzo Detox Center

Our detox center has helped many people overcome their Benzo addiction, and it can help you or a loved one as well. We give you all of the resources and tools possible to increase the chances of you overcoming your addiction and giving you the strength to remain in control of that addiction.

Benzo Addiction

Sunlight Medical Services has a Benzo addiction center to help you or your loved one overcome a benzodiazepine addiction. We use proven methods to help you recognize your addiction and take mental and physical steps to overcome it.

Benzodiazepine Dependence Treatment

Our treatment program helps you to overcome withdrawal symptoms without falling back into dependency. We provide the necessary tools, resources, and guidance so that you never feel alone and you feel capable of actually overcoming the dependency on the drug or substance.

Contact us to learn more about our methods of people reclaiming their lives from dependency.